Autumn Show - 18 September 2010
The Autumn Show was held on Saturday, September 18th at the Golden Acre Community Centre, Ross Close. The number of entrants and entries was a little down on last year's show but the quality of the exhibits was extremely high. Another positive factor is that the number of visitors to the show continues to increase.
As always at this time of year, all the flowers were striking in their colourfulness with the dahlias being a striking and special feature. This is however the time of year for vegetables and fruit which take pride of place at this autumn show. In this section Ken Peck swept the board closely followed by Hugh Law.
The title of the formal flower arrangement was 'Oranges and Lemons' and the entries displayed all the features of the nursery rhyme: oranges, lemons, bells, etc.. First prize went to Kath Bartram. The class for a flower arrangement in a small drinking vessel judged by the public was won by Ruth Coe. Cakes, jams and wines were all on display in the domestic sections and here, it was Annie Erdman's turn to sweep the board. There were many craft items of all kinds as well. Children's classes were well supported both for craftwork as well as for flowers and plants.
The Town Mayor, Bob Eastham together with the Mayoress Sarah Grimshaw attended to present the prizes. The Chairman, Doreen Townley expressed her thanks to the Town Mayor and to the hard-working Show Secretaries, Yvonne Bishop and Kate Chambers. Thanks too were given to the judges, to show stewards and to all committee members, all of whom had helped to make the show a success. Maureen Lord and Penny Baggaley were also thanked for providing some very welcome refreshments and for earning the club a profit of £21. Also to Margaret and Ron Snow who ran the raffle which brought in a further £88.
During the course of the show, further money was raised in aid of society funds by the sale of plants donated by members (£46) and an auction (£47). The auction is made possible by the generosity of exhibitors who donate their produce for sale at the end of the show. For the raffle we are grateful to Tesco for their donation of a £10 voucher as well as to Jose Rumbo who donated a bottle of Rosé wine.
This is the last of the society’s three annual shows. However, events continue in the autumn when the first evening meeting of the 2010/11 season will take place at the Bowls Club in Abbey Lane on October 5th with a talk entitled Light among the Trees to be given by Peter Beale.
Collette Biggs, Publicity Secretary
Babington Smith Trophy – Most points in show
Winner: Ken Peck
Runner-up: Hugh Law
Sewell Cup – Most points in Vegetable Section – Classes 1-22
Winner: Ken Peck
Runner-up: Hugh Law
Acrow Bowl – Most points in Flower & Fruit Section – Classes
Winner: Ken Peck
Runner-up: Alan Taylor
John Coe Memorial Trophy – Best bloom in Dahlia Section – Classes
Winner: Alan Taylor
Harry Green Trophy – Best bloom in Rose Section – Classes 35-37
Winner: Yvonne Bishop
Harry Green Cup – Best Floral Arrangement – Class 53
Winner: Kate Bartram
Walker Trophy – Most points in Domestic Section – Classes 55-64
Winner: Annie Erdman
Joint runners-up: Marian Barker and Julia Thornton
Rickett Shield – Best Exhibit in Domestic Classes 55-61
Winner: Annie Erdman
Scrivener Trophy – Most points in Junior Section – Classes 65-71
Winner: Becky Leeman
Runner-up: Susie Beare
"Eric the Hedgehog" Best Exhibit in the Junior Classes
Winner: Daniel Leeman
Ellis Rooke Cup – Most points in all three shows in the year
Winner: Ken Peck
Tom Green Cup – Most points in Junior Classes in all three shows
in the year
Winner: Becky Leeman
1. Beans, Runner – 9 pods, with stalks
Winner: Ken Peck
2. Beans, Dwarf or French – 9 pods, with stalks
Winner: Hugh Law
3. Beetroot – 3, with minimum 7.5 cm long tops
Winner: Eric Hammond
4. Cabbage – 2, with stalks
Winner: Christine Marshall
9. Onions – 4, dressed, under 250g
Winner: Hugh Law
10. Onions – 4, dressed, 250g or over
Winner: Ken Peck
11. Potatoes – 4 white
Winner: Ken Peck
12. Potatoes – 4 coloured
Winner: Ken Peck
14. Shallots – 9 culinary, large
Winner: John Bartram
15. Shallots – 9 pickling, small, not exceeding 30 mm in diameter
Winner: Ken Peck
16. Tomatoes – 6 with stalks
Winner: John Bullen
17. Tomatoes, small variety – 6, not exceeding 35 mm in diameter
Winner: Ian Thornton
18. A truss of Tomatoes (ripe and/or unripe)
Winner: Vic Mortlock
19. Collection of Vegetables – 4 different kinds in a tray maximum
size 61 cm by 61 cm
Winner: Ken Peck
20. Collection of Salad Vegetables – 4 different kinds arranged in
a tray
Winner: Christine Marshall
21. Courgettes – 3
Winner: John Bullen
22. Any other vegetable – minimum 2, not included in the schedule
Winner: Hugh Law
23. Apples – 3 culinary, with stalks
Winner: John Bartram
24. Apples – 3 dessert, with stalks
Winner: John MacLoughlin
25. Pears – 3 with stalks
Winner: David Livermore
26. Blackberries – 12 with stalks
Winner: Yvonne Bishop
27. Any fruit not included in the schedule
Winner: Hugh Law
28. Dahlias, decorative or ball – 3 blooms
Winner: Jose Rumbo
29. Dahlias, cactus or semi-cactus – 3 blooms
Winner: Alan Taylor
30. Dahlias, pompon – 5 blooms, under 52 mm diameter
Winner: Kate Chambers
31. Dahlias, mixed – to be judged on quality
Winner: Alan Taylor
32. Chrysanthemums, 3 sprays
Winner: Jose Rumbo
34. Display of foliage in a container
Winner: Yvonne Bishop
35. Roses, large flowered H.T. – one specimen bloom
Winner: Yvonne Bishop
36. Roses, large flowered H.T. – three specimen blooms, any colour
or colours
Winner: David Livermore
37. Roses, cluster flowered – 3 stems
Winner: Yvonne Bishop
38. Gladioli – 3 spikes
Winner: Ken Peck
40. A container of flowers (foliage permitted)
Winner: Alan Taylor
41. Flowering Trees or Shrubs – 3 stems
Winner: Ken Peck
42. One Orchid Plant in bloom
Winner: Ken Peck
43. One Pot Plant in flower
Winner: Kath Bartram
44. One Pot Plant for foliage
Winner: Vic Mortlock
45. Cactus in a container not greater than 23 cm diameter as grown
Winner: Ken Peck
46. Succulent in a pot maximum 23 cm diameter as grown
Winner: John Bartram
48. Pelargonium – in a pot as grown
Winner: W. Gregge
50. Fuchsia – 6 mounted flower heads
Winner: Janet Bullen
52. A container of fruits and berries – 3 stems
Winner: John Bartram
53. Floral arrangement: “Oranges and Lemons” – An exhibit using
plant material: space allowed 61 cm maximum
Winner: Kath Bartram
54. A flower arrangement in a small drinking vessel – judged by
the public
Winner: Ruth Coe
55. Marmalade Loaf (made according to given recipe)
Winner: Julia Thornton
56. Shortbread Fingers – 4
Winner: Annie Erdman
57. A Carrot Cake
Winner: Annie Erdman
58. A Quiche
Winner: Annie Erdman
59. Jam – 1 jar
Winner: Annie Erdman
60. Any other Preserve – 1 jar
Winner: Annie Erdman
61. Chutney – 1 jar
Joint winners: Janet Bullen and Julia Thornton
62. A bottle of home made wine – red (uncorked and in a clear
glass bottle)
Winner: John Bullen
64. A hand crafted article
Winner: Hugh Law
65. Gingerbread Men
Winner: Becky Leeman
66. A Rocket – any material
Winner: Susie Beare
67. A Photograph: My Favourite Place
Winner: Becky Leeman
68. Drawing or Painting of a Striped Animal – maximum A4 size
Winner: Daniel Leeman
69. A Decorated Parcel
Winner: Susie Beare
70. Flowers in a container
Winner: Susie Beare
71. Plant(s) growing in a pot, maximum 18 cm
Winner: Becky Leeman