The Saffron Walden Horticultural Society Summer Rose and Floral Show was held on Sunday 16th June 2019 at the Golden Acre Community Centre.  This is the second  Show being held during the 200th Anniversary of the forming of the Society in 1819.
Despite the rain last week there was a good display of Roses and other flowers, vegetables and plants.  Although entries were down, there were entries in all classes from Flowers and plants through to the cooking and craft.    Everyone who visited the show in the afternoon enjoyed tea and cake, after admiring the exhibits.
The Winner of the Rose Classes was Richard Marriott and the winner of the best bloom in the Rose classes was Robin Crouchman   The best exhibit in the Domestic Section was won by Yvonne Bishop for her painting of Irises, Yvonne also won the Trophy for the most points in the Floral Section.  Hamish Davidson won the Trophy in the Fruit and Vegetable section as well as the cup for his collection of Vegetables.  Vera Willson won the Trophy for the most points in the Domestic Section.   Matthew Davies won the Scrivener cup for most points in the Junior Section Grateful thanks to Corner Cupboard, Ridgeon’s, Waitrose and Tesco for their donations of raffle prizes for the Shows and to all members and non-members who support the Society.

The Society’s next show is the Autumn Show which will be held on Sunday 22nd September 2019 at the Golden Acre Community Centre.  Take a look; there are classes for everyone, including a Novice Class in the vegetable section for anyone who has not previously won a prize for vegetables.



Veerman Rose Bowl – Most points in Rose Classes 1-11
Winner: Richard Marriott
Runner Up: David Livermore

R.A. Butler Cup – Most points in Floral Classes 12 -27
Winner: Yvonne Bishop
Runner Up: Robin Crouchman

Denning Bowl – Most points in the Fruit & Vegetable Section Classes 28-35
Winner: Hamish Davidson
Runner Up: Richard Marriott

Walden Trophy – Most points in Domestic Section Classes 36-47
Winner: Vera Willson
Runner Up: Jennie Davidson

Rickett Shield – Best Exhibit in Domestic Classes 36 – 47
Winner: Yvonne Bishop

Scrivener Cup – Most points in Junior Section Classes 48 – 52
Winner: Matthew Davies

Saffron Walden Horticultural Society Cup –
Best Bloom in Rose Classes 1-11
Winner: Robin Crouchman

Russell Green Cup – Awarded for Class 35
Winner: Hamish Davidson

Caroline Dowling Award – Best exhibit in Junior Classes, if merited
Not awarded

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